Trowbridge Amateur Swimming Club

Trowbridge Amateur Swimming Club is managed using software called Swim Club Manager, often referred to in the club as SCM. We use it to manage swimmers, volunteers and the coaching team. It has all the information you need as a member:
Members personal information and emergency contact details/medical conditions
Current squad details, including costs and training times
Training calanedar showing all your swimming sessions, both active and cancelled
Access to Events calendar, showing upcoming meets and social events
Swim times - access to your swim times gained whilst with TASC
Whos who of the TASC committee and coaching team
Access to swimmer progress reports
The video links below give access to the web and mobile tutorials. (Not all of the features of SCM are currently in use by the club).
Swim Club Manager You Tube Tutorial
Swim Club Manager Mobile Tutorial
You can download Swim Club Manager from the Apple App Store or Google Play, depending on the device your use.
When joining TASC you will be provided with a username, you can then set your own password. If you experience any problems or have any questoins, please contact membership@swimtrowbridge.co.uk